GO-KOT 行軍床-數位迷彩

GO-KOT 行軍床-數位迷彩

GO-KOT 行軍床-沙漠迷彩

GO-KOT 行軍床-沙漠迷彩

GO-KOT 行軍床-森林綠









耐用且結實 厚型尼龍床布(1000丹尼)



規格:寬66公分X長188公分 X 離地20公分




This incredible camping cot will fold up in seconds and store away in its handy carrying case.
At less than 10 pounds, this strong, durable cot can be taken anywhere easily
camping, the beach, hunting, fishing, kayaking, motorcycle camping, bicycling
or it can be used as an extra bed at home.
It's even small enough for backpacking.
With its state-of-the-art frame and rugged,
heavy bound (1000D) nylon cover, this cot is amazing.
It weighs less than 10 pounds and can support up to 350 pounds.Assembled: 26"W x 74"L x 8"H.Carrying Bag: 8"W x 28"L x 3"H (Included).Weight: 9 lbs.Capacity: 350 lbs.
不要刪掉 商品特色 What's in the Bag? 耐用,可適應各種氣候,重量輕,可折疊式露營床比起其他行軍床更輕量更攜帶方便,舒適度更勝吊床。 This durable, all-weather, lightweight, folding camping cot is more portable than other cots and more comfortable than a hammock. 市面上最頂級的低盤行軍床 The Best Low-Profile Cot on the Market. 每張GO-KOT行軍床都配備耐用,結實的1000丹尼尼龍床面,最新技術製作的鋁製床架,有彈性式的不銹鋼床腳。每張GO-KOT行軍床只重10磅,可支撐至350磅 Every GO-KOT™ is constructed with a rugged 1000-denier nylon cover, state-of-the-art aluminum frame, and spring steel legs. Each GO-KOT™ weighs just 10 lbs and supports up to 350 lbs. 我們的產品 Our Products 我們的產品直接位於美國當地手工製作!高品質並愉快的使用體驗,可供使用一輩子。 Our products are handmade right here in the USA! They are high-quality; they work great and are a pleasure to use; and they are built to last a lifetime. 透過結合傳統職人手法和創新技術,我們的產品經的起時間的考驗。 By combining time-honored techniques with innovative technology, we create products that stand the test of time. 這種方式可以有手作的高品質和精確細緻的細節。 This approach allows for handcrafted quality with precision and attention to detail. 我們使用的材料是北美現有最好的原物料,包含1000丹尼防水尼龍的床面和攜行袋,厚密的鋁製床框。 We source the best American raw materials available, to include:  1000-denier water-repellent nylon fabric cover & bag, thick aluminum side poles,  鍍鋅彈性不鏽鋼床腳 galvanized spring steel legs, and high-impact hinges. 因此,GO-KOT™提供三年保固,來對應原物料或是做工上的瑕疵。 That said, the GO-KOT™ is backed by a 3-Year Guarantee against defects in materials or workmanship. 我們的故事 Our History 我們的產品成為戶外活動專家的首選已經40年,軍人,急救員,探險愛好者。 For over 40 years, we have been the cot of choice for outdoor professionals, military, first responders, and adventure enthusiasts. GO-KOT™也適用於,摩托車旅行、單車旅行、打獵、守候活動、或是家中額外增加的床鋪。 The GO-KOT™ is perfect for motorcycle camping, horseback, bicycling, hunting, scouting, or even as an extra bed at home. 因此,下次冒險旅行離開地面,睡得舒適一點吧。 So, get off the ground and sleep in comfort during your next adventure. 我們的宗旨 Our Mission GO-KOT™從1978年以來就以提供市面上最好的露營行軍床為宗旨。 At GO-KOT™, our mission is to produce the best camping cot on the market and we’ve been doing just that since 1978. 我們致力於幫助需要幫助的人,我們也保持謙遜的心持續支援的工作。 We're committed to helping get those in need off the ground and we humbly support mission work. 從當地社區幫助無家可歸的人的救濟會,到全世界的傳教士協會, From homeless ministries in our local community to missionaries and mission groups all over the world, 我們行軍床都可以在夜晚睡眠時,提供最好的休息支援。 our cots are getting those in need off the ground every night.